Lancer Radio Network
Lancer Radio, located on the beautiful campus of Pasadena City College, is a student-operated radio station, streaming 24/7 and providing a platform for students to produce quality live, remote & downloadable radio.
Filming on PCC Campus
A “PCC Student Filming Request” form must be filled out in order to be approved to film scenes on the PCC campus. This pertains to all students. By completing the form, you ensure that your production will avoid any issues with campus use personnel. It is also aligned with our SLO’s to “demonstrate professionalism” as permits are something that “real life” film producers must obtain.
The student completes the form and obtains the necessary signatures from their Instructor, Dean, and the Location Manager (which changes based on the request). Students will need to do this at least 2 weeks ahead of time, as obtaining the signatures can take some time.
Please review the form carefully.